
Each year we produce a short Newsletter outlining our recent activities, and you can download the most recent edition by clicking on the button on the right.

Previous issues of the newsletter are also available - click on the year below to download the appropriate edition.

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Some of our recent activities

This year we have continued our support for the Wangdrak Rinpoche's Yushu Orphanage.

The orphans enjoyed their annual summer picnic, organised by house parents Awang and Chuden and attended by Dawa. We continue to be the main funders of Wangdrak Rinpoche's Yushu Orphanage.

Picnic group

This year Heart of Asia again supported 4 nomad families to return to nomad life. Dawa and his friend Jinpa organised the selection and transport of the dri (female Yak) to our latest nomad beneficiaries. The recipients were chosen as usual by our partners in the area, respected community leaders Yamatsering Rinpoche and Abbot Beima Norbu.

Dri in pasture

Dawa with dri